The Huge Advantage Founders And Entrepreneurs Have Today That They Didn't Yesterday

As a founder or entrepreneur today, do these five things once you have a product roadmap:

  1. Focus on defining your internal brand.

  2. Post about it, become vocal in the industry, and talk about the problem you are solving. This seeds your Go-To-Market (GTM).

  3. Build your marketing team with AI as a team member from the ground up, not just as a tool. A generalist who is curious and can write well will be one of your most valuable people.


  4. Define your ICPs, market, and create a GTM.

  5. Then create a brand strategy.

I lied; there is a sixth step. Then Go-To-Market.

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways we can help you:

#1: Ready to grow your brand? Let's chat about how we can help guide you on your path to success. 🚀 Click here to schedule a call. 

#2: Join C5Connect, a community where founders, entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs create success and become marketing leaders.

#3: ​​​​Follow Camino5 on LinkedIn for brand and marketing tips, and operating systems.


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