The Best Brand Lesson to Learn This Year. Period.
Two businesses in comparable industries treated COVID-19 in two very different ways and got two very different results.
Company A (we can’t say their names) spent $1,000,000 to roll out a nationwide “We are all in this together” campaign across all channels.
Company B spent $500,000 to help their workers and their extended families. They gave out no-interest loans to the immediate families of employees who lost income (wives, siblings, children ect.), covering out of pocket healthcare costs and providing stipends to offset the added cost of working from home.
The net results:
Company A, with the well-produced ad and a big spend behind it, got a quick jump then dropped in revenue. They are now flat and below post COVID-19 levels.
Company B, who helped out their employees, is seeing a snowball effect. Every week revenue is increasing, and they are now beating their YoY.
The simple reason:
Company B understood that their foundation was their customers and their employees. By making sure all of their employees had security, they passed that sentiment on to their consumers.
See, most people forget that there are multiple components to a Brand. A Brand is designed by a company, conveyed by employees, and defined by the public.
When you invest in your employees, it creates a ripple effect - elevating your brand and the public’s understanding of it. It’s brand building at it’s finest.