Answer A Person's Wants And You Have A Customer For Life, Answer Only The Problem, And You Have A Customer For A Day

“People Don’t Want a Drill, They Want a Hole” is wrong.

They want to hang a picture on the wall.

“People Don’t Want a Drill, They Want a Hole” only goes halfway and causes you to miss your true market.

The correct saying should be “People don’t need a drill; they need a hole."

People don’t want a hole; they want to hang a picture.”

You change a market by creating a better way to hang a picture.

You connect to the consumer by creating value around that want.


Here is the million-dollar question: what is creating value?

All the experts talk about “creating value,” but no one explains it.

It reminds me of the Supreme Court's definition of porn. “We will know it when we see it.”


Here is a quick explanation of creating value:

You create value around the want, not the problem or the need.

In the “hole” example, you create value around the end desire—hanging the picture.

Value is going past the product, in this case a drill, a screw, and a hook to hang the picture.

The value can look like this:

Ease of use: Simple, straightforward installation instructions included templates or guides for optimal placement and alignment.

Damage-free hanging: Many customers are concerned about damaging their walls when hanging pictures. Adhesive strips or hook-and-loop fasteners that avoid nails or screws

Clear instructions on how to remove the product without leaving residue or holes

Expert guidance: Providing resources and guidance on picture hanging best practices can add value and build customer confidence. This could involve detailed guides on how to arrange and compose gallery walls or online tools or apps that help customers visualize and plan their wall layouts.

There are four types of value that are commonly leveraged:

  • How not to knock a hole in your wall (functional value)

  • How to make a wall collage like a pro (expertise value)

  • How to pick the right frame to accentuate the picture (extended or adjacent value)

  • Cool ideas to decorate your wall that include hanging things up (inspirational value)

  • Excellent consumer service, not just post-purchase but pre-purchase. (Supportive Value)

The secret to value that no one tells you is this: do it consistently, or you are just marketing for others. 

I share because I care.

Reach me at or follow me on LinkedIn @ryanedwards2


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